Mindkind: Math and Physics for the New Millennium
Posted 2012-10-03 22:24:24
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March 26, 2011
Following is the dedication and preface to a small book I have worked on for the last 30 years. The book was written in the spirit of the Victorian “philosophers” who spent their leisure time combining the latest scientific developments with their spiritual beliefs to produce a vision for the future.

Among my earliest memories is the time shortly after my mother died, when I was four and my father had taken me to his bed to sleep. In the evenings he would often read dime Western novels and, after I grew bored with looking at the covers, he taught me to read.
I also remember sitting beside my father under the old cottonwood tree at the edge of our vegetable garden one warm evening, as we were cleaning fresh carrots. We were looking up at the big star-studded West Texas sky, and he was pointing out the various constellations he recognized. As best he could, he was trying to explain to a questioning farm boy how the Earth, Moon, Sun and planets moved and how they were all related.
My father died when I was ten, before I could absorb very much of what he had to teach. Since then, I have sought to learn what it was that he himself hungered to know, and satisfying that need became a duty compelling me over the years to finally complete this little book.
Inspiration for this work comes from my father, Samuel Hubert Cox; however, its spirit is dedicated to the children of Mindkind on Earth, who must learn the lessons of history and grasp the science, physics and mathematics of the future. It is their duty to chart the cosmos, and it is their destiny to discover other precious warm water planets where life can thrive and creation can continue.
“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old questions from a new angle,
requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.” ~ Albert Einstein
The year was 1982. I was 41 years old, worn out and weary from fighting a high-profile
pro bono legal case for more than a year.
Ten years of practicing law, both prosecuting and defending criminal cases, brought the realization that practice didn't always make perfect. There were not enough hours in the day to care properly for the problems of the endless stream of unfortunate and desperate individuals who found their way to my doorstep.
The justice system was in the process of being reoriented from rehabilitation to punishment. Compassion and discretion were increasingly limited by statute, and density, rather than warmth, was becoming the measure of the hearts of those who judged.

Behind locked office doors with the phone turned off, I reflected upon my life before the practice of law. I recalled a slow, lazy summer spent hanging out on a California beach watching sunsets, tracking the pace of the Moon, anticipating where it would appear each evening, and keeping an eye out for Venus and other planets, for Orion and Sirius, and for the North Star.
Recommencing fantasy trips to the stars as a form of psychic therapy, I spent a year traveling about on light waves, peacefully floating along in space time enjoying the view.
Over dinner one evening, looking at a candle across the room, I imagined a series of light waves flowing from the flame, washing against my nose and being reflected back toward the candle.
Since the waves, both coming and going, were all traveling at the speed of light, I wondered if they were approaching each other at twice the speed of light, just like two cars, going in opposite directions in the same lane on the same highway at a safe 50 miles an hour, who close their distance at a catastrophic 100 miles per hour?
Einstein’s theory of relativity says no, but sitting in the quiet restaurant, I imagined our entire perceived universe must necessarily move at some speed on a curve in relation to some other mass.
Logic then suggested the other mass must move in relation to yet another mass, which also moves, and that all matter is probably governed by the speed of light within its own universe. However, the image of multiple moving universes led to further questions.
If our universe is in motion, how fast is it moving? Could it be moving at or near the speed of light in relation to other mass?
Imagine a young child running along the beach at the edge of the water, holding a holiday "sparkler" in her hand as she waves her arm around in circles. Our universe can be seen as just one of the sparks, drifting in her wake.
Consider the nature of the “wake” within which everything in our universe moves, including Earth. Is it possible the combination of neutrinos, alpha, beta, gamma rays and all other subatomic particles and sparticles, light and dark, known and unknown, sufficiently occupy and distort all space-time as to provide the plastic structure required for the transmission of light, gravity waves, and the particles themselves? If so, does the "force" become its own "field?"
Finally, has the "collective consciousness" of humanity arrived at a plane where our common mind becomes capable of logically understanding the external forces that act upon our universe in the absence of experimental evidence of their existence?
If we are to ever go to any
significant place within this universe or in time, or into its adjacent dimensions, or to more fully understand the mechanics by which it operates, must not we acknowledge that it is no longer possible for any one individual to contain within her or his own mind all that has to be known and understood to do so?
If so, is the "Mind Field" the medium within which the forces of collective consciousness will act in the future to propel our children through time, adjacent dimensions and beyond the universe? Can the "Mind Field" reflect or transmit the beacon required to safely guide them on their way home?
To help answer these questions, let us imagine a geometric structure within which to contain multiple universes. We can start with a set of eight cubes combined into a single cubical model.

The inner space of the model can be contracted by focusing parabolic curves inward along eight vertices drawn from each corner, and the space can be reduced to zero as the curves move uniformly to the center.
Substituting sets of simple curves to illustrate convergence of the parabolas, and then moving the curves through and beyond the center, provides a glimpse of the other side of nothing, once the curves begin to expand.

These curves can be demonstrated on the surface of an expanding sphere by inscribing it with six great circles, which divide it into 24 equal right-angle spherical triangles. Defined by 14 vertices, the triangles have perimeters of exactly Pi times radius.
Years passed as contemplation of these spheres and careful measurement of the triangles led to the construction of a number of physical models.

Repeated observations finally led to the conclusion that the ratio of the sides of the triangles was probably 3:3:4, with a height of 2.5; however, a mathematical proof remained elusive.
Fortunately, as the Internet continued to expand, several sites providing self-help spherical trigonometry formulas came online. These formulas provided the ability to confirm observations with mathematical precision.
In some ways, imagining a
Millennial Geometry to contain moving universes was entertaining, although the effort involved in the physical construction of models was both laborious and exacting. However, demonstrating the proportional length of the sides of the
Pi-based geodesic triangles using base-10 mathematics continued to pose difficulties.

One day while sitting in a hotel room gazing out at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., again seeking refuge from the practice of law, I imagined expanding our numbering system by adding a “U” after three and an “N” after six, for the square and cube of two, and extended the system to base 16 by adding a few more symbols: 1,2,3,U,4,5,6,N,7,8,9,S,C,X,W,10.
After making some hand calculating tables and solving a few problems, great harmony was found in
Millennial numbers, including the values of
Pi, the Golden Proportion and other mathematical standards. One interesting discovery was that
Millennial Pi essentially rounds itself off at the 7th, 8th, and 9th place, 3.2U3W58NNN, resulting in a “rationalization” of Pi for most practical purposes.
Millennial Math was also found to contain subsets of some very elegant little numbers, such as 0.12UN, that provide the foundation for a highly logical numbering system.
Now, after 30 years of contemplation, these ideas are collected in this little book, which is being offered in celebration of our human achievements thus far and the new millennium we are entering.
We are fortunate to live at a time when sciences, such as archeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and linguistics are providing reliable clues as to the nature and character of our ancient existence. However, we are less able to predict the future, and we can only guess at what it holds.
Humans have walked on the Moon, and there is talk of an expedition to Mars; however, in the grand scheme of things, these are only baby steps.
Over the past 6,000 years, our civilization has been built with the basic tools of physics, geometry, and mathematics. While there have been dark ages and times when knowledge was lost, destroyed or misplaced, we survived, and we have progressed to this unique place where we have the opportunity to build a bridge from the past into the future.
To do so, we must comprehend not only the nature of matter and how to measure and count it, but we must come to have a better understanding of ourselves, how and why we think, and what is most important.
Then, and only then, our children, and theirs, will be ready to peacefully fly to the stars – and far, far beyond. Not only will they be reunited with their cousins in the Family of Mindkind, but they will discover other warm water planets upon which to build nests for the next generation of the Children of Mindkind.
All Rights Reserved - William John Cox
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