Hello: We Speak the Truth

Posted 2012-10-01 13:34:13

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Explores the dynamics of the mind, the origin of consciousness, the reality of existence and personal transformation. Hello provides insights into the origin of consciousness, the dynamics of the human mind and the positive effects of using truth to cope with reality. The three sections of the book, When, Now and Then, follow the transformation resulting from using the power of truth to reveal insights into human existence, love, hate, conscience, happiness, fear, birth, death, marriage, morality, ethics, justice, war, the environment and the future. Hello offers hope for individuals seeking to find themselves and for a humanity struggling to survive in the face of economic ruin, environmental destruction and endless war. The universal language is truth and the first word spoken is "Hello." A Kindle edition of Hellois available on Amazon for $0.99: http://www.amazon.com/Hello-We-Speak-Truth-ebook/dp/B008EDNNJK/ref=la_B0028ENU8K_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1350938617&sr=1-5 Hello is available in all electronic formats, including Kindle and PDF, at Smashwords for $0.99:  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/172474 There are a limited number of autographed copies of the original print edition available for $5.00 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling.  Please send an email to graphxdesigns@mac.com for PayPal directions.


After finishing this intriguing work, Hello "We Speak the Truth", by William John Cox, writing under the pseudonym of Thomas Donn, I was quite amazed at the vision and reflective abilities the author possessed at such a young age.

Completed while he was still in his 30's and at a time not that distant from the dusty cotton fields in the High Plains of West Texas where he was born and is still known as Billy Jack, Cox was not hampered by circumstance or conditions in becoming a magnificent observer of the human condition.  Some men require a lifetime to gain wisdom; William Cox was blessed early-on.

The book concludes with Carl Sagan's pictograph that was sent into outer space on the Pioneer 10 spacecraft; however, the book is not a message to extraterrestrial creatures, but to us.  We can all relate to the story, the fears; we can identify the beings we are, and we can search our souls.

Hello was crafted with dignity and style.  And, now, more than thirty years later, the author’s confirmation is assured, not only by this book but by his continuing wide-ranging interests and the many contributions he has subsequently made for a saner world.

The book's a fine ride; hop aboard and be prepared to have your imagination tweaked!  As a lawyer who filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court on behalf of all of us, his summation in the book is done with beauty and an imaginative form.  Charles Foerster ~ San Angelo, Texas

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