Target Iran: Drawing Red Lines in the Sand

Posted 2012-10-04 18:51:16

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A history of Iran and its conflict with the United States and Israel over its uranium enrichment program, a discussion of the likelihood of war between the parties and a proposal for a comprehensive nuclear weapons policy for all nations. At 60 manuscript pages and 100 sources, Target Iran is of the new genre of eBooks on critical political subjects written for the modern reader who requires reliable background information to reach an informed opinion, but whose time is too limited to go to the library or conduct independent research. A history of Iran and its conflict with the United States and Israel over its uranium enrichment program, a discussion of the likelihood of war between the parties and a proposal for a comprehensive nuclear weapons policy for all nations. Iran, the last remnant of the ancient Persian Empire, is presently threatened by the greatest superpower in history ? the United States of America. Rather than attack, or allow Israel to attack, the United States should immediately reestablish diplomatic relations with Iran, negotiate unconditionally and ensure the protection of Iran from armed attack by Israel or any other nation. The U.S. should adopt a comprehensive policy that seeks to avoid the expansion of nuclear weapons to Iran and all other nations. The ultimate goal of the policy should be the elimination of all nuclear weapons by every nation, including Israel, within ten years. Resolution of the existing crisis requires a clear understanding of the history of the Iranian people and the steps and missteps that have led to the crisis. Target Iran is available in all electronic formats, including Kindle and PDF, at Smashwords for free: A Kindle edition of Target Iran  is available on Amazon for $0.99:


On September 11th, William J. Cox, historian, journalist and author, released his e-book, Target Iran: Drawing Red Lines in the Sand. Not being a for-profit endeavor, it is available online and can be downloaded for free. Don't let the cost frighten you away, the message is penetrating and invaluable, if only our congress would listen. They should, for it is about three of their favorite subjects; death, debt and destruction. A must read for anyone who is concerned for the future of our country as well as for the multitudes of innocents in the Middle East. The warring factions of at least two nations including the United States are clamoring to engage Iran. It would be a tragic mistake based on ignorance and unwarranted hostility of some elite politicians and their think-tank friends, who incidentally spend most of their time "thinking" of ways to go to war or instigating covert regime changes. Recall the actions in Iran in 1953, Indonesia 1965, Cambodia 1970, the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq. Need we go on? In his closing statement, Mr. Cox offers a profound view of the situation and pleads for citizen involvement; "War is not inevitable. Peace is still possible, but time is short and the moment for courage and wisdom is now". A timely addendum would be, “before you pull the trigger” The book contains a most concise and easily assimilated study of the history of the area and its political intrigue. But what is more important is what might be in store for us and indeed, the global community, if we do not engage Iran as a friend and neighbor. Understanding for the vulnerability and security of the people of “both” Israel and Iran is in short supply while the propaganda machines of the special-interest groups and the American media are running at full capacity to lure the country into the war-trap. Assisting in the rush to launch the drones are the lackey members of congress who dance to the tunes of their handlers, the foreign-connected lobbyist. As Mr. Cox explores the history of the conflict it readily becomes apparent that the people of Iran have to cause to be wary of external forces that materially effect their security. They indeed might feel that their security is at risk just as their neighbors feel. Terrorist acts usually indicate a manifestation of an imbalance of power. Given that the United States has the most weapons available in the area it would seem that both nations are at risk because of a foreign power. We have the power to start a fire-storm but who can put it out? As we draw close to another boiling point requiring a good strapping of a rouge nation the working class must be whipped up into a frenzy to back the weak and evil elements of a government who will send their sons and daughters to engage the “enemy”. Propaganda is a game of distorting facts and overriding wisdom and religion is the workhorse of the deadly game. Who can stand up to a president who has had a divine revelation and received a message from God commanding him to take his nation to war? Taking into account the vacillating nature of political office-holders the only way to preserve a sustainable republic worth living in is for the citizens themselves take charge of their destiny and demanding in unequivocal terms that their government operate under the strictest standards of fairness and equality; then and only then will terrorism subside. Frighteningly few brave individuals have the nerve and acuity of mind to take on the giants such as the AIPC, Fox News, patriotism, God and the military-industrial complex. William John Cox has done it with a position of truth and vision for mankind. Two companion reads will complement his analysis; “The Sea of Lies”, by John Barry, an author, historian and distinguished scholar. Barry leads you through the maze of events, minute by minute. Either the action was careless and haphazard or it was an intentional act using lethal force. If it was accidental one would have expected at least an apology. Here the readers will be given the facts so they may draw their own conclusions. Another is a letter from a writer who was a former Iranian Navy Captain offering his views on what to think about before you let fly the missiles: As William Cox explains, if the inflammatory conditions in the Middle East precipitate a nuclear war it would surely overshadow the devastation caused by first two nuclear weapons used in hostile action against human targets in 1945. So it can't happen, think again. As the author suggests, an opportune place to start the peace process would be the removal all nuclear weapons and thus reduce the level of imbalance of power. However, it is almost unthinkable that any super-power could be so benevolent and smart. And certainly not the snarling war-hawks of Israel. Simmering political intrigue aside, accidents and careless actions do happen so immediate safeguards should be implemented before the meltdown commences. Humanity hanging by a thread is the best way to describe my feelings as I came to the final lines of Target Iran: Drawing Red Lines in the Sand. If any one book should be read today, this is it. Charles Foerster,

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